i would like to see the outstanding debtors and creditors at year end with VAT so as to check whether last year debtors collected VAT has been automatically included in the VAT return (accrual vs cash) or not.
I tried from the Sales > Outstanding invoices but this does not show all the outstanding invoices as of year end (it excludes everything that has been paid even after the year end date)
You could pull up a historic invoice report, this however doesn’t show the VAT in a separate column so you’d need to drill down into each invoice or if all invoices are levied at standard rate you could get an approximation from the total. It really depends how many invoices you have open at the year-end.
You can find this report in the main reports list:
that’s weird… I am looking at the report now, but this does not even agree with the Balance Sheet figure of Debtors… shouldn’t the two figures agree please?
Not necessarily as the historic invoice report shows only outstanding invoice balances. There are other factors that can contribute to the debtor balance on the balance sheet such as pre-payments and journals.
On the historic invoice report in the top right do you see any figure for prepayments?
yes I can see that… it’s a bit clearer now, I only have a small difference that I cannot reconcile. I guess it’s because of the EC sales vat being added up and taken out again…