Defrayal Purchases


Our business is within the funding environment currently ESF but after this year moving on to the replacement.

Within this environment we have to provide “Defrayal Evidence” of payment of expenditure that we are claiming back from the funders.

Would it be possible to have a purchase paid report that:

a.) provides the date of invoice payment

  • and is searchable by the paid date?

In an ideal world we think we would like to have a Purchase Paid Report that provides the following detail as column headers:-

1.) Receipt No
2.) Receipt Date
3.) Supplier Name
4.) Purchase Name (c/w links to scanned invoice & Quickfile Invoice Record) [ideally have the full description as entered, as this is required for the funders]
5.) Total (Gross £ amount)
6.) Payment Date [Searchable on report]
7.) Payment Reference No. (C/w link to Purchase Payment View)
8.) Amount Paid £

Should there be more than 1 payment to an invoice then separate lines for each payment.

If someone would be kind enough to have a look at this please and get back to us please?

Many thanks in advance
