
We could not find the token @DirectInvoiceLink@ on the above message. Without this token your client will have no link to view the invoice you are sending. Click here to update your email template.

Keep getting the above message and can’t seem to work out how to sort it out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Hi Andrew,

The token @DirectInvoiceLink@ is converted to a direct link to view the invoice when the email is generated and sent by the system.

You can edit the template by going to Account Settings >> Routine Emails, and edit the ‘New Invoice Raised’ template.

For reference, the default text is below:

Dear @FirstName@,

To view your invoice or obtain a PDF copy please follow the link below:


Additional Invoice Details

Invoice #: @InvoiceNumber@
Issue Date: @InvoiceIssueDate@
Due Date: @InvoiceDueDate@
Total Amount: @InvoiceTotalAmount@


Please let us know if you need further help