Director salary bank tagging and journal

I have read some threads on this and still don’t understand.

When I tag director salary from bank feed: net salaries paid: director, an entry goes to 7001, but this is a net salary paid. Then I need to do the journal entry for gross director salary, PAYE and NIC. I understand a process for staff wages and I move staff wages from 7003 to 7000, but I need to keep director salaries separate from staff salaries.

Any advise would be apreciated.

Hi @DorotaD

There are a few things you need to be do in the way of a journal to separate the PAYE etc. We have a guide with an example in our knowledge base. This uses a generic overview with most things included so you can get an idea of how it’s completed. With directors, you would just use 7001 in place of 7000.

I hope that helps!

Thank you for a very quick response! I did not turn on “post net wages to balance sheet only” before. Did it now, and hopefully will all be fine.


Hi Dorota
I’m Janek do you still use quickfile?

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