Director's salary registered twice

Hi All,

I am working at my August/September/October 2019 accounts to close my VAT period and, after a double check with my bank account, I have realised there is a mistake:

I have registered my July 2019 Salary twice, date 31/07/2019 (most probably after having closed my previous period since, when I close a VAT period like this one, I always double check my actual bank account with the one in quickfile in order to make them be exactly the same).

Is there a way to fix this?

Thanks in advance.


Is the duplication locked into a VAT period? If not then you can delete/reverse the duplication. If it is locked in then you would need to do a reversing entry. I would double check with an accountant for this to make sure it doesn’t affect your VAT in any way

Hi Beth and thanks for replying,

Yes the previous VAT period is now closed and all options are disabled; also, I don’t see how a salary payment can be involved into the VAT calculations.


I wouldn’t have thought it would be, but it is always best to double check. As I am not an accountant I wouldn’t like to advise you on something that would have repercussions with income etc. But, you should just be able to enter a reversing entry for the same date to essentially undo the duplication

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