Disabled payment options when converting from an estimate

I changed a customers payment options to disabled and I’ve just had a notificated they paid by card on Stripe although its disabled!!! Its still disabled now and its cost me a week to wait for payment and a £16 charge!! What’s going on?

Did you disable after generating invoice at customer account? if yes then that is reason, you need to disable at customer account before raising invoice else go to actual invoice and disable from there

Its been disabled since I created his account.

I think the problem is due to this particular invoice being converted from an older estimate rather than directly created as a new invoice. It seems in this case the payment restrictions aren’t getting applied. I have logged this with our developers to review on Monday morning.

It should be a quick fix but in the mean time I would suggest when converting from an estimate to an invoice to just manually disable the appropriate payment options.

Apologies for the previous problems you experienced with the payment method restrictions. I can now confirm that whenever an invoice is created from an estimate the appropriate payment restrictions will be applied automatically.