I am selling on Amazon, and using their VAT Calculation Service to auto-generate VAT invoices for business customer purchases. This uses a separate (monotonic) invoice numbering scheme, to comply with VAT regulations, but is different to the numbering scheme I’m using in my primary business.
The problem is, when I recreate these invoices in Quickfile, the next invoice number is set to one above the last invoice created (as I understand from reading previous posts on this topic), and therefore, new invoices start following the Amazon scheme, and not my own scheme. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, because the next invoice I create, I could just override the next invoice number - but, my business primarily issues recurring invoices, and so the next invoices generated by that system, start counting from the most recent Amazon invoice.
I understand there is no “next invoice number” field to set, but I was wondering if it would be feasible to tag invoices to be discounted from invoice number generation, so that when Quickfile decides on the next number to use, it looks at the most recent invoice that is not tagged, and adds one to that.
Feature requested
I would like the ability to “tag” an invoice, to indicate that its number should not be used to compute the next invoice number.
Typical use case
It would be used when invoices following an external numbering scheme need to entered into Quickfile, and not have them affect the main numbering scheme, especially for recurring invoices.
How I would expect it to work
I would expect this to work by having a boolean flag per invoice (a checkbox), which can be selected during invoice creation. Activating this flag would instruct the “next invoice number” generation logic to ignore this invoice when deciding what the next invoice number should be, i.e. falling back to the most recent untagged invoice.
I’m proposing this feature to be opt-in, so that default behaviour is unaffected.
Please let me know if I can provide any further details, or clarify any points above.
Best wishes,