Do I have to input every invoice from another system?

Hi - I do VAT on a 16.5% flat rate - I have a software system that does all my bookings and raises my invoices accordingly - I have used this for 5 years however it is not HMRC compliant now that MTD has come into force. So to date I have manually done my VAT returns from my bank statement income each quarter. don’t want to change my operational software system as it has an app for my sub contractors and for my clients and it does everything needed to keep the business running smoothly. IIs there a way I can use Quickfile to submit my VAT returns without having to enter/create duplicate invoices for each client?

Hi @katiekc

You may be able to bulk input your invoices, which would be similar to a shop or e-commerce site for example. This would involve inputting the invoices under a generic client on regular basis (e.g. daily or weekly).

The important thing with this is that you have any documents to back this up. If you’re using other software to produce the invoices, I would say this is sufficient for this purpose.

Perhaps a tool like this would be of some use in this instance? Cash Register Tool

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