Do you safely manage your company's operation without hiring an accountant/bookeeper?

Happy New Year to all!
I’m new in doing business, with a UK based Ltd and operations mostly abroad.
I ask for your insight and personal experience, and my question is:
Is it possbile and safe to keep my accountings by myself using this software, without the monthly aid of an accountant? How many times a year do you see the need to use the services of an accountant and for what filings?
Thanks in andvance, looking forward to receiving your answers :slight_smile:

It comes down to how much you already know and what you don’t.

An accountant could simply tidy up your book keeping a year end or they may manage it throughout the year.

If you don’t know about cross border sales an accountant may be beneficial for advice as the least.

Either way you’ll have self assessment, corporation tax returns and annual confirmation statements to file.

I might add that accounts which need filing need to follow a particular format and wording, if your unsure of this, an accountant is recommended.

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Hi Paul,
Thanks so much for the advise, very helpful input.
Have a nice day!

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