Document Download

Dear Support,
I have tried 3 times to download “2024” documents for a client via my Affinity Account. The file size is quite large at approx. 845 mb .All attempts show “failed” - can you help in this situation?

Hello @Bagpipe

An issue has been identified with the document download process for large files.

We are currently developing and testing an amendment to the process, this should be rolled out next week.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Thank you Steve. I would be grateful if you’ll give me the heads up when working again.

Hello @Bagpipe

No problem, I will reply here when I hear more.

Hello @Bagpipe

An update has been released to resolve the issue.

Please let me know if you have any difficulties

Hi Steve,

Please thank the development team for fixing this.

I much prefer picking and choosing the dates myself anyway and the file size is then much more manageable.


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