Download Purchase history

Trying to download the full annual purchase history in bulk. I tried with the ’ Batch supplier payment report’ but it came empty. Any clue, please?

Hi @JaimeV

The batch report should show any outstanding invoices.

What data are you looking for exactly? Perhaps we can point you in the right direction

Thanks for answering.
I just need to download the whole list of purchases for my accountant. What would be the best way to do so? Or is it possible to give them access as a “viewer” somehow, so they can download from their side?

Hi @JaimeV

There isn’t a “read only” access option at the moment, but you can certainly add them as a user to your account and limit their access: Configuring privileges for your team

This would be the easiest option as they can drill down on the data as needed.

It’s also worth noting that important actions on the account (e.g. creating, editing or delete invoices, marking them as paid, creating journals, etc.) are all logged.

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