Downloading TSB transactions from bank acc

I’m having real problems downloading TSB transactions from my online bank account. I’ve tried 3 months at a time and nothing happening, any suggestions? Thank you.

Are you trying through feed plugin or csv import?

Hi Faraday, I’m trying to export files in csv from TSB April 17-June17 as I’m sure TSB only let you download 3 months at a time, but so far no luck downloading anything to file on computer which means I can’t download to quick file

Which browser are you using? Did you check download folder on your computer in case browser is downloading and saving in that folder?

Hi Faraday I’m using a Mac and safari

Hi @Cherry

If nothing is being downloaded to your computer, and you’re downloading directly, it may be best to raise this with TSB directly. It could either be a setting in your browser (I know Chrome blocks files at times, although I’m unsure about Safari), or an issue on TSB’s side.

Are you seeing any error messages when trying to download the data?

This might help unless there is problem with TSB site

Thank you, no error messages, just nothing? I’ll try to get in touch with TSB, thank you.

Thank you, I shall try this link. I’m new to quick file and I was planning to quickly download all statements and get going with accounts only to be halted by inability to download the statements.

Hi Faraday,
I have been in touch with TSB today and can you believe it, it is no longer possible to export data earlier than 90 days!!! Think I’m going to move bank.
Thanks for your help last night.

Most business banking are with 90 days limitations on csv. You can always enter manually or if its too many transaction get pdf statements and that can to some extend be converted to excel, though it is not 100 accurate as downloading csv file

Thank you. I’ve now organised Yodlee to automatically sync with bank acc but can’t seem to do this either. I’m such a beginner at all of this but I’m hoping it will all be sorted out soon …

Did you get a chance to have a look at this QF resource? Yodlee Bank Feeds