Dropping the # from @InvoiceNumber@

Hello again,

We’re looking to mask as much of QuickFile as possible through integration into our service management system. While QuickFile is amazing for us on the backend, for clients, it’s just easiest if we can roll everything into it’s own system.

As part of this, I can form URL’s for invoices based on the invoice number, eg:


…but that would implement it with a # in the URL, which gets read as an anchor. Not a massive deal, I can use javascript to pull the information out, but it would just be much more handy if the # wasn’t there - or there was an option to remove it.


I think you’d have to use a .replace() on your side to filter these out. Changing the behaviour on our side would involve updating 35,000 (ish) template files. Which would be a bit of a task :smile: