Duplicate purchase receipts when uploaded via app

I am uploading my train tickets to quickfile using the app and creating a new expense. I then see the payment on the bank feed and am tagging this to the expenses I’ve created.
However I must be doing something wrong as I noticed I have outstanding purchases and when I looked they are another set of these train tickets and other items that I have uploaded using the app.
I have fixed it by detagging the bank entry and crediting the purchase receipt (the one without the image file on) then retagged the bank entry to the correct one but I must be doing something wrong somewhere if anyone can help.

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Don’t mark them as paid when you create them from the app. Leave them unpaid at that point and the payment will be dealt with when you tag your bank transactions.

Hi Ian, thanks for taking the time to respond. I didn’t realise I was marking them as paid, so If I upload the receipt in the app should I select “tag later” rather than “continue” and entering the details?

I’m not that familiar with the app but I believe you would still enter the details, just make sure you don’t select the option that says the purchase is already paid for.

There doesn’t seem to be any option on the app to “mark the expense as paid” it simply creates a new expense. Maybe someone will jump in who know Ian, but thanks for your thoughts.

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