eBay Integration - Postage and Fees Clumped Together

I have recently moved to quickfile for my Ltd eBay business and very much still in the learning phase.

I went with quickfile as I saw it had a well reviewed eBay integration to pull in all the micro transaction eBay does behind the scenes. However I am struggling to see how I can separate the postage I purchase through the eBay platform as they seem to be lumped together with eBay fees in a daily transaction called “Ebay aggregate fees for …”.

Anyone found a work around? I am happy to leave as is but not sure if that is correct practice to just tag it as “Ebay Fees & Postage”?

Hello @MrGundam

There is not a way to separate the postage fees via the feed.

You could run a report from eBay and separate them at month end.

I will leave this thread open as other users may wish to comment on their best practice.

You can opt to pay the postage through PayPal which separates it. Otherwise it is clumped together in QuickFile as you say. Probably not an eBay limitation as apps like Flipwise show separate postage and commission against each sale to work out profit etc.