Hi I am needing to edit the details on an 2 x invoices but as it is outside the current vat period the system does not allow me to. Is there a way round this?
Hi @ESL62
The only way to edit the invoices in this case would be to roll the VAT return back, edit the invoices and re-submit the VAT return.
Are you able to give us a bit more detail - for example, what on the invoices are you trying to edit? Perhaps we can suggest another method?
Yes I do not really want to do that. QF2447 & QF2448 descriptions need changed to Ref 2nd fix C335
Unfortunately something like that would require the invoice to be unlocked, which in this case means rolling back the VAT return.
If it’s just for your own reference, perhaps a project tag or a note on the footer of the invoice would do the trick? This wouldn’t involve unlocking the invoice itself.
Are there any implications in rolling back a vat return to edit a couple of invoices? I would really like to roll back and edit a couple of things but dont want to mess it up?
There is no guarantee once rolling back that when you generate the VAT return again it will output the same box 1-9 figures. Normally it would, however if you added a sales or purchase invoice to that period after generating the last VAT return it will get picked up in the figures.
If you’re fairly sure you didn’t add any sales or purchase then you should have the same box 1-9 totals when regenerating the VAT return.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Is it even possible to add and invoice to include a date after a tax return?
Yes it is possible, let’s say you generate a VAT return for 01/11/2018 to 31/01/2019. Then after this you input an invoice for 01/12/2018 (i.e. inside the VAT period you just submitted) that invoice will be created but will be brought forward into the next VAT return.
Before you rollback your VAT return, just download the backing report. Then when you create a new VAT return you can compare the new and old backing report to see how the calculations differ, if they differ at all.
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