I have a quickfile account and I want to add a second company using the same email address. I have tried adding a new profile onto the quickfile affinity system but unfortunately it says the password is already in use. Does anybody have any ideas please as to how to add a new profile using the same email so that both companies appear on the dashboard. Thanks
Hi @lawrie
Where are you seeing that the password is already in use? This isn’t something we check (or have the ability to check).
If I go to the Affinity dashboard and add a profile then fill in the details of the company I want to add to the dashboard using the same same email as my other quickfile account it says email is already in use. Sorry I did mean email and not password. Perhaps I am not adding the new profile in the correct area. I would be grateful for your help. Thanks
Hi @lawrie
No problem!
When you create a new profile, it should pre-fill this box with an @quickfile-affinity.co.uk
email address. You can leave this as it is, as this isn’t actually used for emailing or access, it’s used purely to grant access to Affinity.
There’s a bit more on this here: QuickFile Affinity overview
Thanks that explains things
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