Email Permanent Bounce

Hi. I am having trouble with an email that has recently started bouncing. Has worked fine for 2 years, then a few weeks ago it said Permanent Bounce next to their email address.

Can anyone help with this?

Hi @CotsElec

This would usually mean the mail server has returned an error such as “No such user”, suggesting the email address doesn’t exist.

If it’s just started happening, this could be something such as a domain name not renewed (if it’s a private domain rather than a generic provider like Gmail or Outlook).

I’ll leave this post public as I think it could help another user. I will however send you a private message so we can take a closer look at this and see if we have any further information which could help. Please look for a green notification in the top right hand corner.

Thanks. I can send an email privately to that email address from my QuickFile user address and it works fine. The recipient can reply normally to my address as well.

No problem - it may just be a one-off (e.g. the mail server could have been unavailable for some reason). If you could reply to my private message (top right hand corner - click your avatar), we’ll take a look at this for you.

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