Enter purchase on Ipad 4

I use Quickfile on my Microsoft laptop and android phone. I’m trying to set up a new Quickfile account on my partners Ipad 4 for them to use for their business:
It seems to be a totally different layout to what I’m used to. Please could someone give me an idiots guide to entering a purchase please on IOS as it doesn’t say “enter new purchase” like my Microsoft laptop does. Many thank for any help. Drew

Hello @Drew48

QuickFile is primarily browser based and will look the same on any device.

You can open a browser and use your companies link

Have you downloaded the mobile App as this will look different to the browser interface.

Hi Steve, thank you for your reply. Yes, I downloaded the mobile app for the ipad which looks totally different to the browser. How do i enter a purchase in the IOS mobile app please (in simple terms please as I don’t use apple, my partner does). I’ve tried searching in the community and I couldn’t find anything to help me. Many thanks in advance, Drew.

The app is more for quick tasks on the move on your phone like issuing invoices and scanning receipts. For regular usage on a tablet I’d stick with the web site, which supports all features and will be much easier for you to help out with as it’s the interface you’re used to.

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