Hi, I have a lot of expenses that are just small things that don’t have purchase orders. I need to be able to link the expense payment with the receipt but do not have the time to create purchase invoices for every expense like bus tickets, cups of coffee, stationary etc etc etc. This is a real waste of time. Why can’t you just upload a receipt and have it read the various amounts and import that direct into your account system, like you can in wave. Unfortunately Wave is US based and doesn’t report to UK for VAT etc, so I’ve had to switch to quickfile. In general I prefer the way quickfile works, but this aspect of having to manually set up individual purchase invoices for every single little expense is an absolute nightmare.
Have i missed something? I tried importing receipts to the hub but you can only assign it to a manually created purchase invoice. How do you allocate your receipts to the purchase payment without having to manually create a purchase invoice?