Expenses coding query

Using business funds, I have purchased some christmas cards from a registered charity. (Children with Cancer UK). These will be sent to my customers. Would be grateful to hear from anyone as to what nominal code this cost should be allocated to…

The Category this expense falls into is: Office expenses
So I’d use N/C 7504 Stationary as that about the closest

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Thank you for your suggestion. I have subsequently spoken to an accountant on this query and I was actually directed towards a marketing/sales code as the cards will contain a short ‘promotional note’ as well as details of my business, i.e. website address etc. Any comments? At the end of the day, it is not that crucial as the cost is definitely allowable for tax purposes.

I’d expect you would get a few different answers, all correct. Either of the above would work. A ream of paper is office expenses/stationary, even though you could print adverts on it. Potato/tomato I think.

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