Export project report data in CSV

Apologies for the delay, the full project list can now be included in your weekly/monthly backups.

You will just need to check the following box on your backup settings.

Good morning,
I am not sure if this responds to my request - I am just trying to export in Excel (csv format) the list of projects and their associated information, as is in the Project Management tab.

Is this what it does? I have never used backup (I thought backup is done on your servers automatically) and I do not know even where to find itā€¦???


Hi @OvidiuS

Thatā€™s correct. Itā€™s basically an extension to the export you can do from the project page now. This obviously allows you to view all the projects rather than just 50 at a time.

We do back up all services on a regular basis (thereā€™s a full schedule here), but this is for issues on our end. We encourage all users to set up a back up of their account which gives them access to their own data should the need arises. Thereā€™s more information on this here:

Hi @QFMathew

This is perfect - exactly what I needed. Many thanks!

1 Like

Hi @Glenn @QFMathew,
I noticed that our backup does not back up the projects any longer.

Is there any issue with it please?


Weā€™re not aware of any issues, but Iā€™ll pass this to our development team to check.

Bear with us, weā€™ll come back to you shortly.

Not sure if this is related but I noticed that if I search my projects to find one of them and search returned 0 results. It looks like the search is not working in Projects. I tried Estimates and seems to be working fine there.

Could you please look into it as well?


Iā€™ll certainly have a look for you. What are you searching for in the projects section? Youā€™re welcome to send this in a private message if you prefer.

As far as Iā€™m aware, we havenā€™t changed anything here, but will investigate for you

Donā€™t know how the private message worksā€¦

I put in Tag name field a part of the name of the project and it did not work. Then I have also put the whole name of the project and it did not work either.

Sometimes I do not remember the whole name of the project (weā€™ve got close to 500 projects now), so it is helpful to be able to search just by a string of unique characters.

Any luck with the investigation on why the export stopped exporting the projects as well?

Thanks for your help

None on this one Iā€™m afraid. Iā€™ve done a few tests, but theyā€™ve all worked successfully.

Again, Iā€™m not having any luck with this one Iā€™m afraid. I will send you a private message now - look for a green notification in the top right hand corner

While the option to see the project when backing up is great, why donā€™t we have the tag AND the nominal code on the same csv file? I.e: The ā€œpurchase invoice itemsā€ file has the nominal code but not the project tags while the ā€œpurchase invoice cvsā€ file has the project tags but not the nominal codeā€¦:frowning:

Hi @Skk

In the back up file, as you rightfully mention, you have the tags alongside the invoices as part of Sales_Invoices.csv and Purchase_Invoice.csv. The difference between the project tag and the nominal code, is a project tag is assigned to the overall invoice, whereas an invoice may have multiple nominals.

Due to this, itā€™s not possible to list all the nominals alongside the tags themselves unfortunately.