Feature Request: "View Calculations" on the VAT return page

Take a look at this screenshot from the bottom of the VAT return page:

A “View Calculations” link would be much appreciated as the calculations could then link to the various invoices/receipts should anything need to be changed.

Also, it would be much appreciated if the calculations in the download (and future page) were ordered according to dates and not receipt/invoice number.

Hi fambi,
The downloaded calculations are CSV so can be sorted in seconds to any order you want and saved as an xls spreadsheet to keep any formatting you do.

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I tried, but with no luck because the dates follow the British 31/01/2019 convention, so sorting goes according to the day of the month followed by the month followed by the year whilst sorting requires Year followed by month followed by day.

I tried to convert it into the above format, but most dates got lost in conversion.

Hi @fambi

What software are you using? As long as the cell is detected as a date, it shouldn’t cause an issue. Even if it is a problem, you can often use the spreadsheet data format settings to convert it to a different format, if needed.

I’m using Google Sheets.

I tried to use the data format settings, but with no luck.