I am trying to file a VAT return however the following message is popping up,
" You are not yet authorised to view this report for the VRN 291277974. Please ensure your VAT number is correct and you have connected the corresponding HMRC Tax Account. If you have recently enrolled on the MTD scheme please allow 24 hours for HMRC systems to update".
I am unsure what are the next steps I need to do as getting hold of HMRC is impossible. I would be very grateful for any help.
I can see under Reports HMRC you are getting the below message
Client not Authorised
The account you have linked to QuickFile is not authorised to access or file VAT information for the VAT registration XXXXXXXXX . This error usually occurs due to one of the following reasons:
The wrong account has been linked (e.g. a personal tax account rather than the organisation’s tax account)
The VAT registration number has not been correctly entered.
The organisation is not fully enrolled for Making Tax Digital (MTD)
You can find more information in our HMRC troubleshooting guide here
This message is returned from HMRC when we try to log in behind the scenes with the details you have provided.
Please review the guide it mentions, It may be that you have connected the wrong HMRC account which is common.
You can also retry connecting your HMRC account making sure all the details are correct.