Flat rate vat to std vat calculator

Is anyone aware of a Online calculator that can take my flat rate vat return info and tell me what my vat due would be on the standard scheme please?


NO in short. Flat rate vat is flat rate % x gross sales, to get output vat only based on the standard scheme (assumed all outputs are subject to simple vat no reverse charge etc apply) use this formula, gross sales - gross sle/1.2 that will give you only vat liability on sales for std scheme, input vat for std scheme you will have to workout manually from invoices to figure out net vat due on std scheme as input vat is not entered under the flat rate

Income Inc vat / 100 * flat rate percentage = vat amount (flat rate percentage)

To work out the difference between flat rate and normal vat, as Faraday says. Divide total income Inc vat / 6

Not possible because your flat rate vat return on its own doesn’t have enough information.

If all your sales and purchases are standard rate then you can approximate it by looking at your sales and purchase totals for the quarter in QuickFile - the vat you owe under the standard scheme will be roughly# one sixth of the difference between your total inc VAT sales invoices and your total inc VAT purchase invoices (if you use cash accounting then total up the payments on each side rather than the invoices). But if you buy or sell anything that is reduced (5%) or zero rated or exempt then the calculation isn’t so simple.

# “roughly” because normal VAT is calculated on each sale/purchase individually and added up, rather than derived from the overall quarterly total, and especially if you make lots of small sales the rounding differences can add up

Thank you all for the replies :slight_smile:

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