Future dating transactions - why is this not allowed?

I believe that this subject has been raised before and I would like to add my support to the requests from other users for this function.
I use my other accounting system (Quickbooks) to enable me to forecast and control my banking payments and transfers amongst other things and the inability to add future dated transactions to QuickFile makes this impossible. The inability to load transactions in advance is a severely limiting feature of the product and wonder why, when other users have already asked about this feature, that it is not something you have agreed to add to your software. Any disadvantages that you may consider in relation to tying in the accounts with actual bank transactions are far outweighed, in my opinion, by the ability to project future bank balances and plan the company finances.
Is there any possibility that you mught re-consider adding this function to the product? I am sure a poll of other users of the system would demonstrate support for my suggestion.

You need to use budgeting and forecasting tool for that, there many available, for compliance reason future transactions cannot be entered. There is another journal system called accrual in place for that purpose but that is not for budgeting or forecasting.

I was FD for a group of companies and used a more sophisticated (and expensive) accounting software. This software allowed future dated bank transactions to be recorded. In the same manner as “Recurring Invoices” in QuickFile the software processed Recurring Fixed Value Standard Orders and Direct Debits on the 1st of the month BUT with the FUTURE banking date. This saved an enormous amount of time rather than having to input them all individually. These were BANK transactions and had no effect on VAT Returns.

Dynamics / SAP or Sage 200 kind of software have options to auto spread an invoice related to full year e.g rates invoice at beginning of year spread over monthly basis even to department level sub categorization but that is for management accounts purposes.

Completely agree MJCotton and cannot understand why the user cannot decide what date to apply to a payment.

If you wish to add your support for this feature request, please click “Vote” at the top of the thread to ensure your vote is counted.

As you well know, we’re only allowed four votes each. To vote for this request (which I’d happily do) I’d have to cancel my vote for some other feature, and none of the ones I’ve voted for have yet come to pass - not even the “Zero cost invoice” request, which should be simple to implement and is obviously popular, but will celebrate its 10th birthday next month. If I take my vote away from that, I makes it look as if I’m no longer interested in that feature.

Frankly the feature request voting system seems to be designed to ensure that no request can get a decent level of support from the users. Cancel the voting limit, or raise it to something sensible, then come back and tell us to vote.


Is there any possibility that future dating of transactions will be added to Quickfile. I should like to future date payments of invoices and upcoming bank transfers. Can anyone explain what this statement from FaradayKeynes actually means: " for compliance reason future transactions cannot be entered". It surely cannot be a “compliance” matter if Sage, Quickbooks, Xero and other accounting packages all support this feature.