General checks

Hi @mts77

It may be a good idea to reconcile your accounts to make sure they match up to your actual bank statements. If you don’t have paper copies, downloaded statements from online banking usually work just as well. It’s a bit manual, but can ensure everything is there.

When you use the year end process in QuickFile, we also check for untagged entries. So ensuring everything has been tagged to its correct place will help determine if all invoices have been correctly marked as paid, amongst other things.

Just checking other reports like your profit and loss (e.g. if you know you did advertising, is this nominal there?), balance sheet (are all assets where they should be?) and debtors and creditors report (Reports >> All Reports, to check outstanding invoices as of year end), can help make sure everything is as it should be.

Obviously things like depreciation for assets may not be present, but your accountant should be able to help with this as part of the year end process.

I hope that helps. Of course, it’s an open forum so another user may add a few extra things too.