Getting error message when viewing estimate

I am trying to view my estimates and keep getting this message

500 - Server Error
We’re very sorry, there was a problem loading this page.

Don’t worry we have all the details and will look into the problem.

You may want to go back and try again. If that doesn’t work try logging back in from the homepage.

Can you help please?

I’m getting same issue with my account and would say it is something on quickfiles end.

Hope they get it sorted soon as I have clients chasing me for estimates.

Same error for me, managed to send estimate via mobile app but customer could not open it.

We are getting server 500 Errors opening various estimates.

In fact this is happening on all estimates when we view them

Thank you for your patience with this. Our team are looking into this and hope to have a resolution as soon as possible. Apologies for any inconvenience

Thank your for your patients

The development team has advised me that these issues should now all be resolved.

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