GoCardless fees and linking it up

Hi i am unsure how this Go-Cardless is used.
I would like to use it more .
Firstly the status is in red and States Disconnected.
2nd The go carless fees how do account for them ?
I apply card fees to each invoice do i need to invoice them too and how.
I.e invoice is £150.00 + £2.00 card fees. the clients account remains £2.00 in credit.
apologies as i have little experiance with the Go cardless transactions

Hi @Oneillms1

If this is the case, GoCardless is returning an error to us when trying to check your account. You will need to re-link it by firstly disconnecting it, and then reconnecting it again.

First and foremost - it’s not permitted to charge fees for personal customers, only business customers. The rules around this can be a little bit sketchy, so I would advise ensuring they are business clients.

To answer your question, however, yes, you would need to invoice them. How you do this is up to you.

You can either update the existing invoice and add this on as an extra line, then reissue the invoice. Or, you could issue a new invoice. Either way, you would log the payment from credit.

Hope this helps, but please let us know if you need any further help.

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Thanks, yes business clients invoiced.

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