Having problems setting up Dropbox with QuickFile

Hello, I have just again tried account settings etc and get the error message. I have never been able to get the screen with qf would like to access its own folder. I know I have done the dropbox bit right. Thanks, Donducé

HI Ian, thanks for your email; nothing in dropbox settings to revoke qf and set up again, although a good idea. Thanks, Donducé

Hello, tried again. Quickfile is not loading the dropbox website and so it wont locate my account, which is why I am getting the error messages. Any ideas please? Thanks, Donducé

Hello again Ian, thanks again for your first email; I noticed you said you don’t know dropbox; what app do you use to import receipts to quickfile? Even emails don’t work for me! If you have a better system with quickfile, please let me know. Thanks Donducé

Just to confirm - is this after you click the green “Setup Dropbox Integration” button?

Are you able to share a screenshot of the error you are seeing (removing any sensitive information)?

I mainly use email, plus a scripting solution I developed myself to pull things in from Google Drive.

Yes, thats right; here’s a screen shot of the message I get after the green button. Thanks.

Hello Ian, thanks for the fantastic advice with the google apps script. I have followed your instructions to the letter; I have one receipt come through thanks to you, but that is all so far. I have uploaded all receipts to the source folder, but have also uploaded to the QF folder, as they weren’t in there. Thanks for your help so far; have I done wrong in uploading to both folders? Thanks, Donducé

Hello again Ian, I am now getting an error message coming up saying that the receipt file sizes for Quickfile are too big exceeding 5mb! Please could you if it is possible with you to send me your email address so I don’t have to keep coming here? Thanks, Donducé

My script is supposed to work in a similar way to the Dropbox integration, you put files in the source folder and the script moves them to the processed folder once they have been imported into QuickFile. Does it work if you just do a one off “import now” rather than waiting for the background trigger?

I believe that’s a limitation on the QuickFile side rather than my script, if you’re trying to import photos from your phone camera or very high resolution scans you may need to reduce the resolution to make the files smaller. I scan most of my receipts at 150dpi, which comes in at a few hundred kB per page and is still plenty detailed enough for all the info to be clearly readable.

Hello Ian, thanks for getting back. Don’t get me wrong, your script is brilliant. It came back with the too big error when I did the ‘one off import now’. Is there any chance of having your email address, or do we have to communicate this way please? Also I will try and get the scans down to 150dpi; don’t have a clue how to do that. Thanks, Donducé

Sorry forgot. I am scanning receipts in jpeg format from a canon printer/scanner.

I’d prefer to keep discussion public on here - I released my script as a free service to the community, and if anyone has problems with it I’d like the discussion and solutions to be here so anyone else who has the same problems in future doesn’t have ask again.

Ok, no problem. Thanks. I am figuring out the scanner now. Thanks again.

I agree the error handling could be more robust in my script, at the moment I believe it just goes through the files in whatever order it gets given them by the Google Drive API but if one file them fails the script stops there and doesn’t keep trying with subsequent ones.

Dont worry, your script is brilliant and thank you for sending me it. I am going to have a look at my hand held scanner and try and change the dpi. I can’t find an option on my canon printer to change it. Just means i have to scan all of jan/feb receipts again!!! Grr!!. Thanks Donducé

It’s worth it in the long run anyway as if you can reduce the size of each file it increases the number of files you can store before hitting the point where you start paying for extra storage.

Hello Ian, it works! Thank you for all your help; what I have done and am doing now is to copy each receipt into photoshop first to reduce the file size; so its scan to computer then photoshop then my file then google apps source then quickfile. What a route! Thanks again, because without your program I couldn’t do it. Donducé

Well, you can upload files directly to the receipt hub via “browse or drag your file here”, you don’t have to use email/dropbox/google if you don’t want to.

Hello Ian, thanks again working perfectly. I am going to stick with this method for now. Just a one off question, do you know of any good add on programs that will do stock control? We run a 16 acre Alpaca farm in Warwickshire and it would be great to have a stock control system for our shop. Its all on excel at the moment. Thanks, Donducé