Help! Izettle payments after fee taken is different amount to original invoice to customer - how to tag without showing money still owed

Good day everyone,

Have recently switched over to use izettle card terminal for card payments in store as I was tired of overpaying for a card terminal that was hardly ever needed…

Anyway, when I invoice a customer for example £49 and customer makes payment with izettle, couple days later izettle deposits the amount paid minus the fee in this case being £0.86 (Total £48.14) and so I was wondering how I would tag this with my bank account to the original invoice of £49 without having to edit the original amount on invoice and then tag as paid in full?

Your help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to continue using the card reader going forward!

Many thanks,

You can create another bank account on QF call it izettle, tag payment of 49 from invoice to it, then record interbank transfer from izettle to your main bank for 48.14 and leftover will be charges entry for izettle

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Thank you for such a quick and helpful reply!

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