Hide Client Messaging from Left Menu

Hi Everyone,

I’m kinda new here made the switch just last week and as much as I love the Client portal I don’t want them to be able to message me from it as I have a separate support system which is more guided and specific to my needs.

I’ve done everything I’ve found in another topic here Client messaging area - hide messaging tool but i still cannot get rid of the little My Messages link on the left

2017-11-10 15_11_24-Control Panel

Can someone please help before one of my clients starts using it…


Hi Sam,

There was a slight change that would have affected this. I managed to locate your account and made this amendment for you - please can you check and confirm this is all OK?

I’ll also update the older post for anyone else who comes across it :slight_smile:

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Oh thank you so much that’s all fixed now :heart_eyes:

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