Hide figures on app for receipt hub users

I have created logins for our drivers so they can capture and send receipts as they receive them. I have given them access to only the receipt hub. If they login via a browser, they see no figures and have access only to the receipt hub. If they install the app and login in, they are able to see the sales and purchases figures on the dashboard. Any way of hiding those figures? Thank you.

Hello @Veronica

I have logged this with the development team for you.

I will keep you updated when I hear back.

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On 26/5/23 I questioned hiding the figures on the App for receipt hub users. It was forwarded to the development team but have not heard anything back. Would like to know if there is an update as to when the App will or can be updated.

Hello @Veronica

There has been no update on this yet.

Please reset assured I will keep you updated once changes are made regarding this.

Steve, I have still not received an update. Could you please let me know if it is still with the development team as I have been waiting just under 7 months.

Hello @Veronica

I will chase them up today for you to see what is happening with it.

Steve, any news? I would really like to start using this feature.

Hello @Veronica

I have just spoke to the development team regarding this.

An update has been created and tested we are just waiting for Google/Apple stores to approve the new build, this typically is done within a few days.

I would expect it to go live this Friday or over the weekend.

Thank you. Looking forward to it.

Hello @Veronica

Did you manage to test this, is it working ok for you?

Hello Steve. I have tested it. Works great from my phone. Excitement short lived because same login, 2 other phones, it sadly does not work. Have created another user and works great on 2 phones out of 4. Does it make a difference on the model or age of phone?

Hello @Veronica

Are all phones running he same version on the App?

Can you give me some details about he phones you have tested (working and not working)?

Make/Model/OS Version etc

I had the apple phone uninstall and reinstall the app and it is updated and now working. (It was confusing as on Friday she installed the app when the update was already working on mine).
It is not working on a Samsung S21. We have uninstalled the app on the phone, Android version 14 and reinstalled the app coming up with Quickfile v2.0.81.391. The version is different to mine which is v2.0.86.397. (my phone is a samsung S23, Andriod version 14). The S21 is abroad on a trip till Saturday. Although he says he has uninstalled and reinstalled, I will try again on Monday when he is back to be sure. I will test a few other phones and let you know. Thank you.