How can I add a purchase order number on a sales invoice?

Feature requested
What feature would you like to see in QuickFile?
Purchase order number field
Typical use case
How would this feature be used?
To show PO number
How I would expect it to work
To understand how this may work for users, provide some details of how you think it would work. This is completely optional, but it helps our team understand what you are looking for.

Hello @Spectacle

When you create a Purchase order in QuickFile and convert it to an invoice the PO number is transferred onto the associated invoice.


Thanks for quick response. However how it works is I am required to send an invoice, the client then raises and issues a PO number that I then need to add onto the invoice and resend.

It is not me who creates a purchase order.

Why cannot a simple field be standard on the invoice?


Hello Mark

You can use the supplier reference field on the invoice for this.

Hi Steve

I have tried to use this field but it never shows on the sent invoice.

What am I doing wrong?


If you go to Account settings → Invoice customisation, then click on the appropriate section

then you can customise exactly which fields are displayed in the table with the issue date, invoice number, etc.

Hi Ian

Thanks that has never been clear to me. I have tried looking it up but could not find a relevant reference to purchase order.

I just assumed it was a bug- the field shows as having the number but not in preview. It should somehow be simpler or clearer.

Thanks again.
