How do I activate my bank feed?

Hello @John_Charnock1

The delay was added to the feed as a result of user feedback due to the way NatWest handle transactions. As @ian_roberts rightfully points out the description of the transactions can change, which fortunately isn’t that common, but is something that NatWest does.

This leaves us with two options:

  1. We import all transactions, resulting in potentially 2-3 copies of the same transactions, resulting in a manual clean up process, or

  2. We delay the feed by a few days and pick up the transactions after a few days one everything has settled down.

At present, we use the second option which was, as mentioned above, added as a result of user feedback.

I agree that this isn’t perfect, and we would follow Ian’s suggestion of just filtering out potentially changing transactions if it was straight forward - unfortunately NatWest don’t make this clear or give us any indication that this is the case. Our only option in this case would be to delay all transactions to be safe.

I would certainly encourage you to raise this with your bank if it’s causing issues. However, it’s also work noting that Open Banking is on the horizon which should improve this.