How do I tag a supplier refund, 2 invoices into 1


How do i tag a refund across multiple payments.

My supplier sent two invoices which were paid automatically from paypal £9.99 and £14.92

This was wrong so they refunded me and i transfered the money back from paypal into my account.
Total of 24.91.

When i try to tag this refund now quickfile says: No qualifying purchases could be found to refund against. Make sure the
corresponding purchase has been logged before you attempt to process
this refund.

How do i tag this entry please?


The supplier is added as a supplier and invoices were raised for each payment

You can use the same holding account trick here - refund the two invoices into “combined payments” and then mark the bank transaction as a transfer from there.

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How would i tag it as a refund though, I don’t quite follow.

In the case you mentioned above you would be better off splitting the refund in the PayPal merchant account and tagging it there to the respective invoices. You should then have another entry going out of PP to your current account as a bank transfer.

Thanks Glenn. I’ve not got a paypal merchant account in quickfile and now realising I should have. I’ve opened up another ticket for that because I’m not sure how to tag entries etc

I’m probably not going to be able to go into details here. It’s been extensively covered on the forum.

We also have some good KB articles here you can have a look at:

Accounting for income from payment service providers
Handling Payments from Merchant Accounts

If you need any specific bookkeeping/accounting advice I would recommend filling out a quotation from the dashboard.

ok no worries cheers

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