How to add sales invoices issued by another company on my behalf onto Quickfile?

I run two different types of business and one of them is transport services for another company. Every two weeks they issue the invoice on my behalf and send it to me as a pdf file (it’s a big corporate client, doesn’t accept any other form of billing). I would like to have everything recorded on one system, together with the invoices I issue to my other customers, to make the data clearer and integrated.

How can I add these invoices they issue on my behalf onto the Quickfile and keep their original separate numeration as they are?

Unless I’m missing something. You create an invoice the same way as the others except you use their invoice number instead?

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You can edit the invoice number when you create an invoice in QuickFile and set it to any number you haven’t already used, but you can’t have two invoices with the same number so it might be as well to add a letter prefix or something to the imported ones to make sure they’ll not clash with your main sequence in future.

The thing to watch though is that for the next invoice you’ll create in QuickFile it’ll default to incrementing whatever number you used last (if the last one was X15727 then the next will default to X15728), so after entering an external invoice you’ll have to manually reinstate the main sequence numbering.

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You could just issue a new invoice in Quickfile, and mark it as e-mailed without actually sending it. Use the third party invoice number in the reference field of the QF invoice, and attach the PDF of the third party invoice to the QF invoice. Keeps everything together, and saves you having to alter the numbering schemes.

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Thank you very much for your reply!

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