HOW to DOWNGRADE the Power User Subscription?


HOW to DOWNGRADE the Power User Subscription? At the moment we do not use any Power-user thinks, and we want to downgrade the program. Now we see just the payment option and we can not delete any extra data which we don’t use more than a year, just standing steal in the system.

Thank you in advance.

If your account is classed as M or smaller (fewer than 1000 nominal entries in the last 12 months rolling) then the subscription is optional. I don’t know of any way to cancel it mid year but you can just let it expire when it runs out, you don’t have to renew though you can choose to do so anyway if you’re using any of the power-user-only features.

If you’re still over 1000 entries in the last 12 months then you will have to renew for one more year to retain access, or if you only need occasional access in the meantime then it may work to use Affinity instead, which charges by the day pro rata rather than by the whole year up front.

At the moment the Quick file needs to upgrade because of Expires: 30 December 2019 HU-UK LTD. Account: 6131468732. We don’t know because we don’t see how much data we use, because the QuickFile is blocked. So that type of costumer accounts and payment rules is very poor. I need to pay 1 more year for for nothing. Is possible to pay back the yearly fee if i don’t use?

I dont want to renewing now, so how can i collect my all data? and setups.

Like I say, if you’re still over the 1000 threshold then some kind of payment will be necessary to keep your account accessible - the data won’t disappear, and if you are no longer creating new entries then it will drop back into the free tier at some point during the next year at which point a subscription becomes optional (e.g. if you’re running at ~3000 nominal entries per year on average then it’ll take roughly 8 months for the rolling 12 month window to drop below 1000, if you’re running at only ~1200 or so then it’ll only take a month or two).

If you need to access it in the meantime then the cheapest way to do so is to create a QuickFile Affinity account and “invite” your regular account to join your Affinity dashboard. Accounts connected to Affinity never require a power user subscription, and Affinity charges only for the specific days the account is connected to the dashboard rather than charging a flat fee per year. So you would invite the main account to the Affinity one just at the times when you need to access the data (when you’re doing your year end accounts, etc) and disconnect it when you’re finished, and you only pay for those few days. Once the requisite number of months have passed for your account to drop back to M or below then you can stop using Affinity as the main account becomes free anyway.

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