How to export a list of client phone numbers

Hi there.
We have started to set up a text system to update our clients.
We have quite a lot of clients on our Quickfile sysyem.
Is there an easy way i can copy clients phone numbers to upload and then download on their system?


Hi @Oneillms1

Please accept my apologies for not replying sooner.

The best way to do this would be to run an account backup. This will give you a zip file with various CSV files, including a ClientContactData.csv file.

This particular file shows the contacts on a client. As you can have multiple contacts per client, this will list all contacts for you.

You could open the file with something such as Excel or Google Sheets and filter the data to suit. For example, there’s a field called PRIMARYUSER which is either True or False as to whether they are the primary contact for that particular client.

The file also includes first name, surname and client ID and name.

Hope this helps!

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