I have setup a regular backup, the export does not have the name of the bank in the CVS title. Is there away to do this and is it possible to export the tags.
I will need to upgrade soon and I would like this just in case your company goes bust there is no way to have a proper off-line back up and it would take to much of my time to create one from the CVS files.
I believe you can export the tags by doing an expert via the invoice management screen. Although I don’t know the technicalitys behind QuickFile, I’m sure @Glenn will come back to you regarding the bank names and adding tags to the backups
If you run a full account backup the sales and purchase ledgers will include a “TAGS” column with a comma separated list of project tags.
Regarding bank accounts, we include a single CSV statement for each account in the backup set. We don’t have a separate list of bank accounts. Do you have a large number of accounts? or are they changing on a frequent basis?
I had a quick look in my backups after seeing this thread and noticed that the notes column used t be filled with the reference number of any tagged invoices. It doesn’t seem to have been doing this for a while, is this an intentional change?
thanks Glen, I was hoping that the individual bank accounts with the item would have the tags associated with them.
This would be good to have just in case your website no longer worked as you could reconstruct accounts.
The Sales invoices I exported has the field tags but is empty.
I don’t have many bank accounts nor do they change, it would just be easier to work out which was which if the CSV had the name of the bank on it.
Project tags aren’t attached to bank entries but rather invoices and purchases, that’s why we include the tags on those items in the backup. It would be difficult to have project tags appearing against bank entries as there are many cases where a single bank entry can cover multiple invoices, some with different tags, some with no tags at all. It’s difficult displaying this in a CSV file.
Just to allay your fear of us going out of business. We have been running QuickFile for 5 years now, we have no external debts and we are not losing money. There’s no reason why we’d disappear.
Thank Glen for your helpful response - in the bank statement under status is the tagged items and I was hoping that might be exported. I can see I may not have been using your software that way that it was intended as some of my purchases I have put directly into bank statement. I will go through and have another look - thanks
The bank export doesn’t flag if the transactions are tagged/untagged. It does however include the following columns:
Transactions Date
If you’re manually marking purchase invoices as paid from the purchase invoice there’s always a risk it will create a duplicate if you are also importing your bank statement. The solution here is to either delete the untagged duplicate from the bank (i.e. the one that came in on the statement), or in future to link untagged bank entries to open invoices.
We had to stop populating the notes this way as it was inflating the size of one of our key tables and affecting performance on the whole application (I did mention this in another thread, which I will try to dig out).
The ledger table (where bank transactions reside) has over 50 million records and was storing large amounts of textual information, which in part was due to a lack of foresight when the original schema was devised. Also when things were de-tagged and re-tagged it was put a lot of overhead on the database keeping these notes in sync.
It was a buried away in a long conversation from memory, I meant to post something more prominent but it probably got lost.
The notes box on the bank statement backups just takes whatever you enter here on the bank statement page. Up to about February we used to prefill this when tagging bank entries to invoices.