I would like to File a VAT return from sept 2021 21B3 but unable to back date invoices, to close off and file the return
please advice
I would like to File a VAT return from sept 2021 21B3 but unable to back date invoices, to close off and file the return
please advice
Hello @JonyDarkland
You would have to delete the year end journals in Reports > Journals in order to do this.
If you have invoices to enter for that year they will impact your year end figures. I would reccomend speaking to your accountant prior to deleting the year end journals as they may need to make some year end adjustments
You would also have to roll back all your vat returns as the returns have to be submitted/saved in chronological order.
To do this:
As you can not submit a return twice, returns you had previously submitted would need to be saved.
To do this:
After you have completed the steps above the year end process(s) will need running again and any adjustments will need to be made by your accountant.
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