How to migrate existing Stripe payments seamlessly from wave

Hello everyone,

I have been using wave for my bookkeeping and have 3 active recurring invoice payments using card payment provider stripe. The invoices have been setup in wave as recurring invoices and the customers have obviously entered their card details and so an invoice is raised and the card charged at the start of each month.

How do I transfer all future transactions over to quickfile - without disruption?! For the payments to continue uninterrupted.

I dont seem to be able to find anything to do with migration of card payment details from wave/stripe to quickfile.


How are the Stripe payments automated at the moment? Are they done through the Stripe dashboard or within Wave?

Hi Matthew,

They are currently setup as recurring invoices in wave and I think wave has held card details to charge to card each time an invoice is generated and becomes payable.

I have looked at Stripes dashboard and there are no customers setup - but there are payments coming in each time, so I am assuin this means tht the invoices are generated in wave?

Look forward to feed back.

With quickfile you can also use gocardless which is easy to setup and has low fees. You said you have only 3 clients with recurring invoices. You can tell them that you changed provider and ask them to kindly fill the DD form again. I have done this before and all the clients were happy to do so.
For me, I thought it was easier to setup new recurring invoices with a new provider than the hassle of transferring all over.

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