How to record PAYE journal with Income tax credit?

Hi all.
Can anyone help me on how to record a payroll journal with a credit on the income tax?

Employer pension contribution = 92.65£

Many thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Exactly the same as you would normally do it - if the refund pushes your total PAYE liability for this payroll (employer NI plus employee NI minus - in this case - income tax) below zero then you’d have to put the PAYE line in the debit column rather than the usual credit column but that’s the only difference.


@ian_roberts : Thank you very much for your help.:slight_smile:
I did book them as below. Do you think it’s correct or should I put it as one line in the debit side?

Many thanks :slight_smile:

That looks fine to me - everything balances, and the right totals end up in each nominal.

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Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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