HSBC Bank Accounts Not All Showing

Hello, I see this has been covered before @QFMatthew and you wrote directly to the user involved.

I am only getting my HSBC current account showing up when I try to link a bank feed and the Savings and 3 other Business Card Accounts are missing.

I don;t think the bank needs to give any further permission as I joined and left Quickbooks just before signing up with QuickFile and they were all there and able to be pulled in so the permission should already be set for sharing the date?

Also, Quickbooks allowed the historical transactions to be pulled in but I was only able to pull transaction from the date the bank feed was set up (today) is there a way to pull in historical data also?

Thanks in advance



At the moment HSBC Savings accounts aren’t supported by Open Banking. Unortunately this is out of QuickFile’s hands, the bank missed the deadline for when Yodlee would no longer be supported. And so there is nothing we are able to do. The best thing I can suggest is to download bank statements and import at regular intervals.

Hopefully HSBC shouldn’t take too long to implement the changes needed to support Open banking on all of their accounts.