HSBC.csv file with hash(#) in item description

When downloading a .csv file of recent transactions from HSBC and there is a hashtag # in the description, the .csv file stops at the character prior to the hashtag.

This is happenning with payments made to Google, for instance the line would be as follows on HSBC webpage;
20 Mar 2019,VIS,GOOGLE *YouTube domain name is for sale. Inquire now.

But what is happening when saving this data to .csv file is;
20 Mar 2019,VIS,GOOGLE *YouTube domain name is for sale. Inquire now.
and then if there are any further lines after this entry they are being ignored.

At the moment I have to open the .csv. file and add the details that have not been included after the hashtag.

The above descprition from Google has been used by them within the account since January 2017, but the problem saving all the data in a .csv file has only arisen since HSBC changed their website design in January this year.

Is this a problem that should be taken up with HSBC?

Hi @alan_mcbrien

Apologies for the delay here. I’ve referred this to our team to investigate and will come back to you.

Can we just call it the hash symbol seeing as this isn’t Twitter? (Kids today!)