HSBC Online banking login doesn't work

When logging into HSBC commercial banking, after the last login steps are completed by the program I get the following error message:

We are sorry that your log on to Internet Banking has been interrupted. Please click here to continue

after which i’m automatically redirected to the online banking as normal where I have to select which business to log into. So I successfully log in but this seems to interrupt the plugin’s flow and the plugin just wants me to login again.

Works OK for me, just tested the plugin.

Usually things will break when the bank changes the layout of their website, I don’t see that has happened with HSBC recently.

At what exact point do you get the error? Does this happen when you click the “Export to QuickFile option”? Do you see a box with a thumbs or thumbs down after that?

Thanks for you fast reply. I don’t see any function by the name of that, I only have the HSBC pages as they normally appear and the quickfile extension only gives me the option to chose the banks.
I get the error just after it logs in with the digipass stage and I get that error showing for a second between that page and the page you select your business.

Business Internet Banking

Select Business:

I’m not entirely sure, it may be nothing to do with the the Chrome plugin, it could be a problem on the HSBC side? If I could replicate that problem I’d probably be able to advise.

I’ll look out for any further reports on this.

I checked on another machine and a different user and the same thing happened. HSBC support blame it on us using Chrome so if it’s their side they aren’t even bothering to look.

Chrome is a hugely popular browser so I would expect HSBC to work fine on there. Certainly I’ve not heard of any other problems recently.

If you want to send me a screenshot privately, feel free. Seeing exactly where this error is appearing may help to understand the cause better.

I’m experiencing the same problem, using Mac OSX with Chrome. I’m also using LastPass - is this a factor?

Paul, I was using lastpass too however I disabled it and all other extensions and the error still persisted.
Glenn, I would be happy to send you a recording or similar of the process. I’ll compile that tonight or tomorrow.

@Louise_Hull I recording would be very helpful. I’ve not been able to reproduce this yet so any indication to the problem would help us. You can send me a private message on here and attach the recording.