I incorrectly entered a purchase price and saved it. How can I change it without it offering me a credit note

I incorrectly entered a purchase price and saved it. How can I change it without it offering me a credit note? Thanks

It’s probably offering you a credit note as it’s linked to a bank transaction? Was this purchase created via tagging or did you log a payment when you created the purchase? Either way, you need to untag the transaction before modifying the purchase.

Hi, just logged a payment. I don’t tag purchases or invoices.

Hi @Rich1,

Logging a payment against an invoice is creating a tagged bank transaction, so you would need to untag this payment before you can edit the invoice.

hope this helps

At the top of the purchase preview screen you should see a link to “a payment [reference number] has been allocated to this purchase” - follow that link and you should then be able to delete the payment, which will revert the purchase to unpaid. Then you can modify the purchase and log a fresh payment for the correct amount.

Thank you



Thank you.



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