Import data - 5 years history

I need to import 5 years worth of data from Quickbooks Pro desktop, almost all bank transactions. What’s is the best/easiest way to do this.

I don’t want to import a TB as need the history available.

Hi @henryg

The only way to do this would be to import CSV files of the data.

Is there a particular reason you need to transfer the history to QuickFile? There may be another way of doing it. Importing all the data is also likely to push your account into the paid tier fairly quickly.

Hi Matthew

Thanks for responding.

I understand a csv would be required, but on a quick look I could not find a cashbook or Nominal/General Ledger import option, other than for a TB. Can the TB import routine handle multiple entries per account, per batch? if so it shouldn’t be a problem other than ensuring the account code mapping is correct. Can a GL account code map be imported, rather than using an inbuilt one?

I understand this will require the paid tier, but worth it to have the data in one place IMO.

TB import doesn’t appear to preserve original transaction date; so how could I import my data?

Hello @henryg

The only way to import data (e.g. invoices, bank transactions etc.) would be to import them from a compatible file. In most cases this is a .csv, but bank imports can be done using a few different formats.

The trial balance will always use one date. It’s basically a snapshot of your accounts as of one date. You could enter multiple journals or different dates, but it’s likely to be more work.

Maybe this would help offer some guidance?

I hope I am not missing something obvious, but I cannot find an import routine for bank transactions via csv with “pre-coded” Nominal Ledger tags/account destinations; only date, description and amount. If I import them this way, I would have to go through the manual tagging process which would take far too long.

I can provide a csv however needed - single line, multiple line - but Quickfile seems to lack the ability to import the transactions. I have considered “misusing” the Purchases and Sales import routines, but I am not convinced that would work, and I was hoping for an easier solution.

I’m not sure that would be misusing the import routines. If it works and does the job then that is perfectly acceptable. You are only going to be doing this once and it is pretty rare people will be entering so much old data so there isn’t much call for a specific routine for this exact scenario.

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