I have paid HMRC a combined total of VAT and Import Duty. The bank feed shows it as a Third Party Payment. I thought I’d achieved this correctly but on the prepared VAT return the payment doesn’t show at all, it appears to be in a Journal (which I eventually managed to delete, and re-imported the data to the bank feed). End result is the VAT isn’t showing to be reclaimed. Please help!
Hello @JudyA
What have you tagged the bank transaction as?
Hi Steve
I managed to delete the (automatic) Journal entry, which was turning everything to hell and retaggeed it as Payment to Supplier, then logged Import Duty with 0% VAT for part of the payment, and had to jiggle the VAT entry by logging Import Duty again with the full amount as VAT. It’s given the right end result in terms of figures but I’m sure it’s actually wrong in accounting terms!
Tel: 01751 417371
Hello @JudyA
I found the below posts in the forum which may help
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