Import invoices, make issue date today

I understand it is possible to create invoices by importing a csv file derived from a spreadsheet. But the import requires an issue date. Is it possible to import the other details, but have the issue date automatically set to today?

Hello @counterpoint

The issue date will import whatever data you have in the date column on your spreadsheet which you map. You can set them all to today.

Thanks, I was wondering if it could be done without a date column in the spreadsheet. I take it the answer is no. Once a large number of invoices have been imported, is there a way to send them all in a single action?

Hello @counterpoint

I was wondering if it could be done without a date column in the spreadsheet. I take it the answer is no

Any invoices imported need an issue date on the import.

is there a way to send them all in a single action?

The max number of invoices on a page is 50 which you can “select all” and send in 1 go.

OK, thanks for that information.

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